After the Duchess made a statement about the U.S. election, President Donald Trump said he is “not a fan” of Meghan Markle and wished Prince Harry luck because “he’s going to need it.”

During a video for the 2020 Time 100 list of most influential people in the world, Prince Harry warned against misinformation and hate speech. Duchess Meghan followed up by vowing to vote in honor of peaceful protesters and scientists. The Duchess also previously called on people to vote for change.

At a White House briefing on Wednesday, Trump stated, “I’m not a fan of hers … I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he’s going to need it.”

Trump’s comment was in response to commentators in Britain who criticized the couple for their lack of neutrality regarding the U.S. elections, since they seemed to lean towards the Democratic side.

“When we vote, our values are put into action, and our voices are heard,” the Duchess said. “Let’s honor those who gave us courage this year, like the scientists, researchers, and medical professionals who are leading the fight against COVID-19. Or the countless voices who are speaking out with passion and purpose against injustice and inequality and to those silently marching in solidarity, in peaceful protest to stand for what is just and what is right.”

The couple’s statements led to calls for them to be stripped of their titles. Ex-CNN host Piers Morgan wrote, “It’s very obvious from a video message they released last night via Time Magazine which way they want the result of the election to go, and it’s not in Donald Trump’s direction. Meghan and Harry have now left the Queen with no choice: she must strip them of their titles before they do even further damage. The integrity and neutrality of the Monarchy demands it.”

This controversy follows a similar one over the summer. Duchess Meghan urged Americans to vote for “the change we all need and deserve” and spoke out against voter suppression. The comments were made to When We All Vote, which is a voter registration drive backed by Michelle Obama.

Following the Time 100 video, Buckingham Palace said they would not comment, and added, “The Duke is not a working member of the Royal Family and any comments he makes are made in a personal capacity.”


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Article by Yati Sanghvi

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