Actress Tori Spelling, known for her role in Beverly Hills, 90210, recently shared a surprising story about her first breast augmentation surgery, which she says took place in a strip mall when she was 19 years old.

Spelling, 51, made the revelation on her podcast MisSPELLING in response to a listener’s question about whether she had “gotten her boobs done in a van down by the river,” referencing a popular Saturday Night Live sketch.

The actress laughed off the question but disclosed details about her experience. Spelling explained that as a teenager, she was dissatisfied with her breast size, describing herself as “like, a 32B, maybe an A plus — like, or minus.”

At the time, Spelling was dating what she called a “bad boyfriend,” who connected her with a doctor through a mutual acquaintance. Despite her Beverly Hills upbringing, Spelling found herself at an outpatient surgery center in a strip mall for the procedure.

“I was so scared to tell anybody,” Spelling said. “I was 19. I was like: ‘Uh, this isn’t Beverly Hills. What’s happening?’ I was confused, and now I know, hey, you can get everything done in a strip mall.”

Spelling admitted to having concerns but went through with the surgery anyway. She kept the procedure secret from her parents, relying on friends for post-operative care. Among those friends were actresses Carmen Electra and Alicia Silverstone.

The secrecy didn’t last long, however. When her friends had to leave for Christmas, Spelling was forced to reveal the truth to her mother, Candy Spelling.

“I was bandaged up, and my mom came over, and I was like: ‘I have to tell you something,'” Spelling recounted. To her surprise, her mother was “really cool about it” and seemed more interested in asking about Spelling’s ankle tattoo.

Spelling joked about her multiple breast surgeries since then, saying, “My boobs? Which version of them? I just got them done again, you guys. I think these aren’t the ones either.”

Spelling has been in the news a lot recently. After moving into an RV park last summer with her kids, she has moved around to numerous rental homes, even fleeing one due to a police standoff with a neighbor. Last week, she was accused of trashing her most recent rental, which she strongly denied. 

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