Tom Cruise screamed at dozens of crew members on the set of Mission: Impossible 7 after two breached COVID-19 protocols in an effort to avoid further delays to production. The incident comes only a few months after filming restarted following an eight-month delay, from February to September, due to the pandemic.

In a leaked audio clip of Cruise’s verbal assault, he cusses out the crew members, threatening their jobs if they didn’t stay COVID-safe.

“We are creating thousands of jobs, you motherf–kers,” Cruise yelled in the clip. “I don’t ever want to see it again! Ever! And if you don’t do it, you’re fired!”

The recording, which was published Tuesday by The Sun, had its authenticity confirmed by two separate sources to The New York Times.

In it, Cruise also explains that the set was being treated as the Hollywood standard, and that other movie productions were modeling their systems after it.

“That’s what I sleep with every night,” he said. “The future of this f–king industry!”

He concluded that if there were any further violations of the safety codes, the perpetrators would definitively be fired – and he would not be accepting any mistakes or exceptions.

“No apologies,” Cruise yelled. “You can tell it to the people that are losing their f–king homes because our industry is shut down. It’s not going to put food on their table or pay for their college education.”

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