The sitcom Last Man Standing, originally on ABC, will now air its seventh season this fall on Fox. Kevin Abbott became the show’s producer and showrunner when the original creator and showrunner, Jack Burditt, stepped down due to a family tragedy. Abbott later left, but came back on board before the show was canceled, but now will continue his positions on the production of the show.
Fans might be concerned about Abbott’s stay on the show since it was canceled under him; however, the sitcom’s ratings actually placed the show at the top of ABC’s network. The only reasons the show was canceled was due to a large licensing fee and Tim Allen‘s big paycheck.
The licensing fee and Allen’s salary shouldn’t cause a problem at Fox because the network just ended some of its long-running programmings for the upcoming season.
Abbott will also be a showrunner for the upcoming Fox comedy The Cool Kids.
Last Man Standing will return to its Friday night 8 p.m. slot this fall.
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