The Voice narrowed down the field to a Top 10, and Dani Moz, TJ Wilkins and Tess Boyer ended up in the bottom three in the first live eliminations.
Team Adam was the first team to perform together: Delvin Choice, Kat Perkins and Christina Grimmie performed “Sledgehammer” with their coach Adam Levine.
After their performance, it was time to announce the first saves of the night. From Team Usher, no surprise, Josh Kaufman was quickly ushered into the next rounds. America also saved Kat Perkins from Team Adam.
Kristen Merlin from Team Shakira also sailed through to the next live rounds, no doubt due to her impressive performance Monday night, when she sang through her mic cutting out in the middle of the song. Audra McLaughlin was also saved by the viewers, as were Jake Worthington, Delvin Choice, Bria Kelly, Christina Grimmie and Sisaundra Lewis.
Team Blake also performed together, with Blake Shelton standing next to Jake with their guitars while Sisaundra and Audra pranced around stage, singing “Put Some Drive In Your Country.”
After all the saves were announced, Team Usher’s TJ Wilkins was joined by Team Shakira’s Dani Moz and Tess Boyer in the bottom three. Each artist got one last chance to sing for their lives, starting with TJ performing Edwin McCain’s “I’ll Be.”
Dani performed Adele’s “Turning Tables,” adding in her trademark high note belting for effect, and Tess finished the performances with her rendition of Kelly Clarkson’s “Dark Side.”
Viewers at home had the power, with the tweet hashtag ‘#VoiceSave’ with the first name of the artist they wanted to save. The artist with the most tweets and re-tweets is saved and gets to move on to the next week of live performances.
Twitter voted, and Tess Boyer received the #VoiceSave, and will perform in next week’s live shows. It wasn’t too surprising that TJ landed in the bottom three after his lackluster performance, but Dani Moz’s elimination was a bit more of a shock, seeing as how her past two performances have truly set her apart.
The surviving Top 10 contestants will perform live on The Voice next week, Monday at 8 p.m. on NBC.
– Olivia Truffaut-Wong
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