When The Dark Knight Rises blasts into theaters on July 20, it will not only mark the end of director Christopher Nolan's trilogy, but the end of actor Christian Bale's run as Batman. Saying goodbye forever to the Batman costume was, according to Bale, more difficult than he expected.

"You know, for all the kind of discomfort, and all the heat and the sweat and the headaches and everything from it, when you sit back and watch the movie at the end of the day you end up going, 'that's f*****g cool!'" Bale told Movies.com. "So I will. I will miss it."

While Bale chose not to unleash any spoilers about his interaction with Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle/Catwoman, he did dish about working with co-stars Marion Cotillard and Tom Hardy. "I worked with Marion really briefly in Public Enemies, and she’s a wonderful, versatile actress and so far, the work’s been really great. I think she’s doing something very different than most people would’ve seen her do before," he said. "And Tom, who I’ve been working with mostly the last few weeks, he’s a real fascinating actor. He’s going to be creating some wonderful characters over his career, and he’s really doing so with this. He’s kind of just gleeful coming in to work every day, and he’s got great character that you can chew the scenery with in a good way. He’s the real deal, I’m very impressed with him."

Read more about The Dark Knight Rises here:

VIDEO: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Unleashes Two New TV Spots

SPOILERS: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Promises A 'Spectacle'

VIDEO: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Trailer Lands Online

Catch The Prologue Of 'The Dark Knight Rises' In IMAX

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