The duo of Desus Nice and The Kid Mero, also known as the “Bodega Boys,” are breaking up after working as creative partners and co-hosts for almost ten years together. The pair most recently gave a welcome twist to the late-night TV trend when they fronted the Showtime series Desus & Mero for five seasons, but are now “pursuing separate creative endeavors moving forward” according to a post from the show’s verified Twitter account.
Rumors of this potential split had been brewing ever since Desus & Mero abruptly stopped releasing episodes less than 20 shows into the season when other seasons had featured as many as 50 episodes. Desus and Mero, born Daniel Baker and Joel Martinez, first indicated there was a rift growing between the two of them when Martinez wrote a Reddit comment in response to Baker’s claim that “the art is coming back” by simply saying “PODCAST DONE ENJOY THE BACK CATALOG MY PALS.”
Neither of them has confirmed what occurred to drive this split, but Baker cryptically tweeted, “Reddit can slander my name but when the truth comes out… actually just wait.”
The pair first met online due to their similar senses of humor. They began shooting videos together for the Complex series Desus vs. Mero, and eventually started their much-loved Bodega Boys podcast in 2015.
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