Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, said the platform has removed more “problematic content” after his arrest in France for not acting against criminals on the app.
He was arrested on Aug. 24 after arriving at Le Bourget airport outside of Paris on a private plane. Following days of questioning, he was charged with multiple counts of failing to curb extremist and terrorist content and released on a $5.6 million bail. Durov must remain in France until the investigation is complete.
Durov told his 13 million subscribers that Telegram’s search feature “has been abused by people who violated our terms of service to sell illegal goods.” He said Telegram staff has been using AI to make sure “all the problematic content we identified in search is no longer accessible.”
The technology mogul also said Telegram, an instant messaging platform, updated its terms of service and privacy policy to enforce its stance that any infringers would be dealt with by authorities.
“We won’t let bad actors jeopardize the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users,” Durov continued.
Earlier this month, Durov was accused by social media users of having plastic surgery and getting hair plugs.
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