
‘Teen Mom OG’ Stars Amber Portwood And Farrah Abraham Fight Airs, Respond On Twitter

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG, the four moms took turns sitting down with reunion host Dr. Drew, which usually ends with the four of them on the couch, but a fight stopped that from happening.


The show follows four twenty-somethings after they starred in episodes of 16 and Pregnant way back when. Maci BookoutCatelynn LowellAmber Portwood and Farrah Abraham are the moms on this version of Teen Mom. Drama had been brewing for a while it seems when Abraham’s then-boyfriend Simon Saran called Portwood’s fiance Matt Baier a pedophile on Snapchat.

Portwood was upset during her interview, but when Abraham was on stage, Portwood could not contain herself. Abraham added fuel to the fire when she backed Saran’s statement, even as he began to write it off as a joke.

Portwood rushed the stage to defend Baier. “Just because somebody’s 20 years older than you doesn’t mean he’s a f—ing pedophile,” she screamed. “Shut your f—ing mouth, do you understand me? I’m going to stand up for my man.”

The yelling escalated, and Abraham did nothing to try to diffuse the situation, as she claims. She just repeated, “Hi Amber,” and “Bye” over and over until Portwood, so fed up, took a swing at Abraham. Baier, in turn, tried to calm everyone down, but ended up getting into a brawl with Abraham’s father Michael AbrahamAbraham, the instigator, then called Portwood and Baier “criminals” who needed to go on a “visit to jail.”

After Portwood and Baier were escorted off stage, Abraham just laughed at the incident, showing no real emotion, as did Saran. They left the show early. When the remaining three moms came out, Maci announced that they would not sit there on “Farrah’s time,” when she caused a scene and was allowed to leave.

Today, Abraham took to Twitter and Instagram to, if nothing else, egg Portwood on. Portwood, who remained mostly silent on the issue, tweeted two nuggets of explanation.

This is not the first fight that Abraham has gotten herself into on the show – be it with the other moms or with the producers. In her time when the show took a break, Abraham created and sold her own sex tape, which has been a point of upset for the other moms. At one point, Buckout took her son off the show, because she didn’t want him associated with a porn star.

Teen Mom OG is done for the season, but Teen Mom 2 returns Jan. 2 at 8 pm on MTV.

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Hillary Luehring-Jones

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