The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a bid by Pennsylvania prosecutors to reinstate Bill Cosby‘s sexual assault conviction.

In 2018, Cosby was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in an encounter at the actor and comedian’s home in January 2004. Last June, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the ruling saying that the case violated Cosby’s due process rights.

At the time of his release, Cosby had served nearly three years of his three to 10-year sentence.

Lisa Bloom, who represents three accusers responded to the news on Twitter.

“A year ago I broke down why Bill Cosby won his appeal: because an inexplicably friendly prosecutor blew the case.

Today the Supreme Court decided not to hear it, allowing Cosby to remain free. The Court did not name a reason for declining to revive prosecution.

More than 60 women, including my clients, accused him of rape.

He is NOT exonerated,” she wrote.

The case was a landmark moment in the #MeToo movement, as Cosby became the first celebrity to be convicted of sexual assault.

Cosby maintained his innocence during his time in prison, even saying that he would serve the full ten years before he would show remorse for something he claims he didn’t do.

“While many accusers will no doubt be disappointed that the decision of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will stand and that Cosby will not be sent back to prison in that case, they should also know that Mr. Cosby may still face other consequences in the justice system,” Gloria Allred, who represents 33 Cosby accusers wrote in a response to the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the case.

A civil trial against Cosby is set to begin in May.

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