Michael Bay's third installment of the Transformers series, Dark of the Moon, is set to hit theaters on Wednesday, leaving fans itching to see both the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons and the new actress stepping into the sexy shoes of former Transformers beauty, Megan Fox.

Fox stepped down as the Transformers leading lady who plays opposite Shia LaBeouf in the billion-dollar franchise, making way for newcomer Rosie Huntington-Whitely, 24, a model who met Bay when he directed her in a commercial for Victoria's Secret. Huntington-Whitely is already getting props for her role as Carly, even though she wasn't granted as much screen time as Fox, and it's been rumored that she hardly steals the show.

What does steal the show, as expected, are the special effects. And people everywhere are taking note of the fact that the new Transformers makes little pretense about plot. Bay knows why people are going to see his movie — to watch some tense, loud, unadulterated action. And he delivers by devoting the final hour of the movie to the complete obliteration of Chicago, in what The Hollywood Reporter calls "little more than wanton destruction."

Most are pretty upbeat about the film, however, saying that it's Bay's best Transformers effort yet. All the action is typically "blended into one exhausting push to save one girl in the midst of a war involving two planets," says Hitfix.com, but it's also "the personal story on an apocalyptic scale that Bay loves to try to tell …. And this is the best version of it that Bay's made so far." So go ahead and splurge for a 3D ticket.

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