South Park, the animated comedy series known for its controversial and borderline inappropriate storylines, will take on a story inspired by George Zimmerman’s shooting of Trayvon Martin.
Earlier this week, Comedy Central put out a press release about the upcoming episode that will tether their Zimmerman narrative to Brad Pitt’s zombie apocalypse blockbuster World War Z.
“The world faces death, destruction, chaos and Eric Cartman in all-new episode of "South Park" titled "World War Zimmerman," reads the statement. “Cartman is deeply disturbed by a single person who he sees as a threat to all humanity. He races around the country to put an end to Patient Zero, the ticking time bomb that is Token.”
For those unfamiliar with South Parks’ ancillary characters, Token – full name Token Black – is both the only black kid in South Park and the wealthiest.
In a preview clip for "World War Zimmerman," Cartman rifles through a drawer to find the “Emergency Use Only” box that contains a gun. After retrieving it, he takes to the neighborhood looking like a cross between the acquitted shooter and Pitt, running around frantically shouting, “ Everyone clear the streets! We gotta get the f–k outta here!"
South Park dealt with race through the show’s scatological and crude humor in a 2007 episode titled “With Apologies to Jesse Jackson,” which made using the “N-word” the center of the story. They’ve also taken on presidential elections, movements such as Occupy Wall Street and issues of morality, as in the Terri Schiavo euthanasia debate.
Zimmerman was acquitted of first-degree murder in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in February 2012 in Sanford, Fla., this past summer.
"World War Zimmerman" will air on Comedy Central Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 10/9c.
– Chelsea Regan
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