SimCity unveiled its first new edition since 2003, causing eager gamers to overload the servers of Electronic Arts’s Origin platform.

Those who attempted to download the new SimCity later on in the day were met with a “Not yet released” message. The root causes of this unfortunate message were said to likely be the red tape of the game not being available in the gamer’s country yet, and that there was a credit card issue or something else caused by the influx of attempted purchases.

SimCity is currently available in North America, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Russia. On Mar. 7, Europe (except the U.K. and Ireland), Australia and Japan will have access. It will go live in the U.K., Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, India and Portugal on Mar. 8.

Many who have experienced problems paying have sat through long delays, and have complained anxiously on the company's forum. EA is encouraging those who have encountered trouble paying with their credit cards to contact customer service, according to PC Mag.

"We have also identified a very small number of North American players for which neither case [country availability and credit card issues] applies and are investigating directly with Origin to resolve. We will continue to post updates in this thread as more information becomes available," EA said in a statement on their forum.

EA’s SimCity franchise first hit the shelves in 1989. While there hasn’t been a new SimCity game released in the last 10 years, a spin-off game, SimCity Societies debuted in 2006 from Tilted Mill Entertainment.

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