The wife of Shahzada Dawood, the heir to a $1.6 billion business who died when the OceanGate Titan submersible imploded, will be receiving less than $122,090 due to technical problems with the will.

Dawood, alongside his 19-year-old son Suleman, died in the submersible implosion, just 1,600 feet from the bow of the Titanic. Also aboard was OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, UK billionaire Hamish Harding and French explorer Paul Henry Nargeolet. A ticket on the sub cost $250,000.

The heir to the Dawood business dynasty, among one of the richest families in Pakistan, Dawood’s personal net worth was an estimated $347 million and his family business had a revenue of $1.6 billion. Dawood and his family lived in a Surrey, England, mansion with his wife Christine and their two children.

However, as Dawood was domiciled in Pakistan, he died without a valid British will and left barely any of his fortune to Christine in Britain. A Grant of Letters of Administration was issued to the administrator of the estate, meaning the $122,000 estate in the U.K. was issued to Christine, but most of Dawood’s fortune was outside of the U.K.

Christine spoke to The Daily Mail last year, recounting the pain of the incident, “The moment we knew they’d fund debris and there were no survivors, [my daughter] and I went on deck. Until that moment we’d had hope. We took some cushions with us and just sat there looking out at the ocean. We were both crying.”

She continued, “I turned to her and said, ‘I’m a widow now.’ She said, ‘Yes, and I’m a single child.’ Then we cried even more,” and lamented, “No parent should have to grieve for their child. It’s unnatural. All of a sudden your purpose, your identity, is ripped away from you.”

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Article by Baila Eve Zisman

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