In a federal bankruptcy court in Manhattan, former New York City mayor and one-time attorney to Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, revealed his dire financial situation and cited approximately $2 million in unpaid legal fees owed to him by the former president’s campaign and the Republican National Committee.

Giuliani’s testimony, delivered on Wednesday, shed light on his strained financial state, which was exacerbated by a $148 million defamation judgment against him for disseminating false information about the 2020 presidential election.

Giuliani’s bankruptcy filing, under Chapter 11, has left him near financial ruin. “I wouldn’t be bankrupt, up until that,” he lamented during his court appearance.

Despite the increase in his financial challenges, Giuliani has refrained from holding Trump accountable for the outstanding legal fees he claims are owed to him.

Giuliani says that Trump requested that he “take over” the campaign’s legal staff in November 2020, as Trump-aligned attorneys launched an unsuccessful effort to overturn election results in states that he had lost. While Giuliani stated that his expenses were covered, he did not receive a salary for his work.

He stated, “Once I took over, it was my understanding that I would be paid by the campaign for my legal work and my expenses to be paid. When we submitted the invoice for payment, they just paid the expenses. Not all but most. They never paid the legal fees.”

Although Giuliani did not provide an exact figure, he estimated that he is owed around $2 million in unpaid fees.

This revelation comes in the wake of a jury’s decision last year, which found Giuliani guilty of falsely claiming that election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss engaged in fraudulent activities during the vote-counting process. The jury awarded Freeman $16.2 million in compensatory damages, Moss $16.99 million, an additional $20 million each for intentional infliction of emotional distress and a further $75 million in punitive damages.

In the three-hour hearing in New York, financial statements were meticulously examined and revealed that Giuliani faces additional financial blows due to pending defamation lawsuits and other allegations.

Giuliani told reporters outside of the meeting that he has “nothing to hide.”

Among the former mayor’s debts is almost $40,000 in golf club membership fees, which includes $647 to International Gold Club, according to filings.

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