Rob Ford, the disgraced Toronto Mayor running for reelection, was roasted by the opposing candidates in the race, including John Tory and David Soknacki.

Rob Ford's Failed Debate

Ford has tried to reestablish credibility in Toronto since his term became overshadowed by his extracurricular alcohol abuse and drug usage. Despite calls for him to step down and not run again for mayor, Ford has persisted, claiming that despite his personal failings, he’s been a good mayor for the city.

During the debate on Thursday, Ford’s primary strategy was to claim that the promises on which the other candidates were running were things he’d already done, or that he had already gotten the ball moving on during his time in office thus far. When the repairs on the Gardiner Expressway were brought up, Ford said, “It’s done. We’re fixing it. We’re already investing in it,” reported the Toronto Star.

Tory was not impressed with Ford’s proclamation, asking, “Do you think half the time that because you say something that it means it’s true?” The gathered audience erupted in laughter at the jab. The crowd also joined in a chorus of laughter when Ford claimed to have a solid working relationship with Premier Kathleen Wynne – who apparently hasn’t spoken to the mayor since November.

Ford went on to boast about Toronto’s financial shape with him running the city. Soknacki, pointing out the job loss and unemployment he’s been overseeing, challenged the sitting mayor, “Rob, you’re entitled to your opinions but not to your facts.”

Soknacki continued on the attack with Ford, bringing up documentation that shows he utilized his public office for campaigning, which violates the rules of the mayoral election. Ford tried to dismiss the charge, saying, “More rumors, innuendos, FOIs, they don’t stop,” leading Tory to chime in “You just keep providing material.”

In response to the onslaught of jabs, Ford said confidently, reiterating his platform of a tried-and-true leader of Toronto, "They can laugh all they want. I have a proven track record of success."

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