Rio’s athletes village is set to welcome Olympians on Sunday — and has reportedly prepared for their guests by stocking each bedroom with condoms and air conditioners.

Rio 2016 Olympics Welcomes Athletes With Condoms

Rio’s new apartment towers built to house 11,000 athletes and 6,000 coaches during the Olympic Games are equipped with swimming pools, tennis courts and bike lanes.

“The athletes are going to have everything they could possibly wish for during the Games,” Paul Ramler, founder of RSG events, which has been providing furniture for athletes’ villages since Sydney 2000 told CNN.

“I’ve never seen anything like this during all my years at the Games,” Ramler added.

Local organizers describe the 17-story towers as a “city within a city” complete with a 24-hour cafeteria, beauty salon and florist.

The rooms are furnished with metal beds, which can be extended to support tall athletes, bedside tables and disposable wardrobes made with recycled fabric.

Ramler said the goal was to make the furniture sustainable but also inexpensive in keeping with Rio’s plan for low-budget Games.

The main entrance is heavily guarded as well as armed with metal detectors.

Organizers installed air conditioners in the bedrooms to address fears over the mosquito-borne Zika virus, despite the expected cool weather during the games, which fall during Rio’s winter.

There are no TVs in the apartments and no drawers or cupboards to store the 450,000 condoms that will be handed out to athletes — an estimated 42 condoms per person.

“I guess they’re going stick those in the bedside tables,” Ramler joked.

The Rio Olympics opening ceremony is scheduled for Aug. 5.

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