Conservative commentator Glenn Beck told Tucker Carlson that he had been harmed spiritually during his time at Fox News. Beck made this claim while appearing on Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Salt Lake City, Utah.

He claimed that the “fame and fortune” he gained from Fox News was like “battery acid to the soul.”

“When I was at Fox, it was like – it was like – you could – you could feel the White House move,” the right-wing commentator stated. 

He mentioned that when he “was on the air,” he could “feel the impact,” which he believed was “pretty intoxicating.” 

“It’s so dangerously intoxicating, and I could feel it, and I didn’t like it, and I left,” he added. “And I should say I didn’t like it because part of me really liked it. So I had to get out of there. I mean, my prompting was that if you don’t leave now, you won’t leave with your soul. I want my soul.”

Earlier in the interview, Beck told Carlson that former Fox CEO, Roger Ailes, once asked him to stop telling people to pray while he was on air and to stop using the name of God.

“Roger Ailes calls me into his office,” he recounted. “‘You’re telling people to pray. You’re telling people to pray on their knees. Glenn, we have an awful lot of old people that watch this show, and you’re making them feel guilty because it hurts to get on their knees.'” 

“I said, ‘Okay, that’s pretty funny,'” Beck recalled. “‘I said, ‘I don’t think that’s happening. I think they get it.’ And he said, ‘And another thing,’ this is a quote – God’s got wars and big issues to deal with.’ He doesn’t want to hear from all of these people.'” 

“I looked at him, and I thought he was joking at first, and he didn’t crack a smile, and I said, ‘I don’t think you understand how that works,’ and he said, ‘Well, here’s how it works here, stop saying God. Stop saying God,'” Beck said.

While appearing on Mark Levin’s radio show in January 2022, Beck revealed he was suffering from a “disturbing”second case of Covid-19 and used unapproved remedies in order to treat it.

He said that he was dealing with the infection for a week and that it was “starting to go into [his] lungs today and a little disturbing.” 

He mentioned that he was “on all the medications and treatments and everything else.”

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