The Style Network’s reality television series Big Rich Texas premiered its third season with “Botox and Billionaires.” The episode was wrought with vanity, questionable parenting and the battle for cougar supremacy at Woodhaven Country Club. Here are the quick-hitters in case you missed this guilty pleasure: DeAynni Hatley talked about her latest plastic surgery to make her upper arms smaller and also hinted at wanting vaginal reconstruction, while Leslie Birkland boasted about having a billionaire boyfriend, who may not exist considering no one has met him yet. Bonnie Blossman’s daughter, Whitney Whatley, is back living at home — and she brought her boyfriend Brandon "Booger" with her to meet the parents. The reception was not surprisingly lukewarm.
The episode’s main event centered around Bonnie and Whitney going to a “Botox Party” at the home of the show’s new arrival, Cindy Davis, whom Leslie later went shopping with for new clothes to impress her mysterious “boyfriend.” The episode concluded with a bout of drama when Leslie and Melissa Poe threw drinks at each other at the country club’s Casino Night.
Fans and foes of the the show can expect more of the same throughout the season, according to star Bonnie. “Needless to say, this is going to be the most dramatic season of Big Rich Texas,” Bonnie wrote in her blog for “And this episode makes what happens later look like a kiddie ride at Disney World!"
Big Rich Texas airs on the Style Network on Sundays at 8 p.m. est.
Check out the promo for Season 3 below:
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