Ray Romano showed up at the Oscars on Sunday night to present an award, and there is a lot of buzz on social media about his time at the ceremony. Unlike the online bickering surrounding Shia LaBeouf and Zack Gottsagen, his co-star with Down syndrome, much of the talk on Twitter concerning Romano was about two things – he looked good and his joke was censored.

Romano, who presented the Oscar for Best Makeup and Hairstyling with actress Sandra Oh, showed up on stage with a classic tuxedo and a sculpted beard. The dressy Romano turned a lot of heads on social media.

During the American broadcast, the punchline toRomano’s joke was completely cut out, leaving many to wonder what the 62-year-old actor said.

So what did Romano say? While talking about the makeup he and his fellow cast had to go through, Romano said, “In The Irishman, they would transform us everyday. I would just sit there and be amazed. And then (Joe) Pesci would come in and say, ‘Get the fuck out of my chair.'” The F-bomb quickly prompted Oh to say, “I think they’re going to bleep that. Not everything is Netflix, Ray.”

Despite the punchline being censored in the U.S., many have tweeted the uncensored video of the punchline, which aired on television without cuts outside the U.S.

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Dan Horch

Article by Dan Horch

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