Britain’s Prince Philip has said he is “deeply sorry” about the injury suffered by a woman in a car crash he was involved in earlier this month, according to a report by the British tabloid newspaper The Sunday Mirror.

“I would like you to know how very sorry I am for my part in the accident at the Babingley cross-roads,” the Duke of Edinburgh said in a letter to Emma Fairweather dated Jan. 21.

Fairweather suffered a broken arm after her vehicle and his collided on Jan. 17 near the Sandringham Estate, Philip and Queen Elizabeth II’s private home.

“I was somewhat shaken after the accident, but I was greatly relieved that none of you were seriously injured,” said Philip in the letter. “I have since learned that you suffered a broken arm. I am deeply sorry about this injury.”


The female driver and small child in the car with Fairweather were uninjured. Philip, who was driving when the crash occurred, also remained unhurt and was not charged with any infraction. Norfolk police did give “suitable words of advice to the driver.”

Philip went on to explain in the letter that he left the scene of the accident at the instruction of the police and that it was some time before he learned of the injuries Fairweather suffered. “I wish you a speedy recovery from a very distressing experience,” stated the 97-year-old husband of Queen Elizabeth II.

Fairweather complained to the The Sunday Mirror last weekend that she had not yet received an apology from the prince. She also shared with the tabloid that she was “pleasantly surprised” when Philip reached out to her to say sorry.

“When I opened it, I saw the Sandringham House headed paper and went ‘Oh my God!’” she told the outlet. “I thought it was really nice that he signed off as ‘Philip’ and not the formal title.”

Philip, seemed to suggest in the letter that he had difficulty seeing the car because of the sun “shining low over the main road.” He said, “in normal conditions I would have no difficulty in seeing traffic coming from the Dershingham direction, but I can only imagine that I failed to see the car coming, and I am very contrite about the consequences.”

Just two days after the accident, the prince was spotted out on the road again and without wearing a seatbelt. Questions were raised over whether the prince, only months away from his 98th birthday, should still be driving.

Philip has taken a step back from many traditional royal duties in recent years, but has attended a handful of events, including last year’s weddings of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank. He has generally remained in good health and is still permitted to drive as well.

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