Prince Harry will land in the U.S. Southwest next week to begin a two-month course of military helicopter training in order to prepare for combat. The crews of Apache helicopters train at Naval Air Facility El Centro in California, about 90 miles east of San Diego, CNN reports. El Centro happens to be the city where '80s action film Top Gun, starring Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer, was filmed.

Known as Captain Harry Wales to his fellow soldiers, Harry, 27, will also be training at the Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field in southern Arizona.

The stay in the U.S. is part of a two-month series of maneuvers known as Exercise Crimson Eagle, in which British fliers practice in California and Arizona, where the terrain is similar to southern Afghanistan.

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  • A Grinshpan
    A Grinshpan on

    So close yet so far away…

  • MariaCavaliere
    MariaCavaliere on

    I second Arielle's comment.

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