Oprah Winfrey recently shared a candid account of her first appearance on The Tonight Show in 1985, revealing an uncomfortable exchange with guest host Joan Rivers about her weight.

Speaking on The Jamie Kern Lime Show podcast, Winfrey, 70, recounted how Rivers abruptly asked her, “Why are you so fat?” during the nationally televised interview. Caught off guard, Winfrey responded by jokingly attributing it to her love of potato chips.

Rivers pressed further, telling Winfrey she could return to the show if she lost 15 pounds. Reflecting on the incident, Winfrey admitted she initially accepted the notion that she should be ashamed of her appearance.

The encounter spurred Winfrey to attempt weight loss by going on a health retreat she referred to as a “fat farm.” During this time, she nearly lost her role in The Color Purple due to concerns about her size. Director Steven Spielberg reassured her, warning that losing weight could cost her the part.

This experience became a pivotal moment for Winfrey. “The instant I let it go was the greatest life lesson I have ever received,” she said, describing her physical release upon relinquishing her expectations. Winfrey ultimately secured the role of Sofia and earned an Academy Award nomination.

Throughout her career, Winfrey has been open about her weight and body image struggles. She served on the board of WeightWatchers for nearly a decade before stepping down in February 2024. At that time, she disclosed her use of a weight-loss medication to manage her health.

“The fact that there’s a medically approved prescription for managing weight and staying healthier, in my lifetime, feels like relief, like redemption, like a gift,” Winfrey told People magazine.

In recent months, Winfrey has showcased a slimmer physique and promoted self-acceptance. She has also regretted her past contributions to diet culture, acknowledging the harmful impact of societal pressures surrounding weight and appearance.

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