A British OnlyFans model threw a milkshake at Donald Trump ally Nigel Farage after his first public speech promoting his bid for Parliament as leader of the right-wing Reform UK party.

Farage was addressing local voters when a 25-year-old-woman threw a milkshake in his face. Footage from the event showed the woman, wearing all white, waiting for Farage outside the Moon & Starfish pub.

She tossed the milkshake quickly and ran away while Farage wiped the drink off his face and was escorted away.

The woman was later identified as Victoria Thomas-Bowen, a model who supports left-wing former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. She was one of several people protesting Farage’s campaign, which he announced on Monday.

Farage described the milkshake incident as “quite frightening,” but said it’s one of the risks of holding events with voters.

“I’ll be honest, it was quite scary,” he told ITV News. “No one goes out and does the old-style street campaigning the way I do, and this is the risk that goes with it.”

Farage hopes to shake up the race for prime minister in which Labour looks likely to unseat the ruling Conservative Party which has been in power for over a decade.

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