On Friday morning, nudes allegedly of Golden State Warrior star Steph Curry and his wife Ayesha Curry were leaked online, according to USA Today. It is unknown at this time how and who uploaded the images. The photos have already been shared across various media platforms, especially Twitter. The uploading of these images, unless done directly by the Curry’s or expressed permission for the photos to be uploaded, which seems unlikely, would violate revenge porn laws.
The state of California, where the Curry’s live, has this law under Penal Code Section 647(j)(4) which states: “the images, where the victim is identifiable; with the intent to cause serious emotional distress to the victim; and the victim actually suffered such distress.” This crime is a misdemeanor and is punishable by up to six months in jail or a fine of $1,000.
No one has yet come forward to claimed responsibility for sharing the photos. This instance is not the first time nude images of celebrities have been leaked to the internet as it was only a few years ago that a group of hackers of many celebrities and leaked images of similar content. These hackers were eventually caught and face jail time for their crimes.
Former NBA MVP Steph Curry and his wife Ayesha Curry have made no comments thus far.
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