Following the fifth episode of the adult animated web series Helluva Boss’ release on YouTube, many fans were surprised to find out that the newest installment featured Norman Reedus. Helluva Boss is a spin-off of the massively popular pilot animated series Hazbin Hotel and was created by Vivienne Medrano for the YouTube channel Vivziepop. The series centers on a hyperactive and unstable demon named Blitzo (Brandon Rogers) who runs a business in which other demons in Hell hire him and his employees to assassinate people in the human world. The other main characters consist of a sarcastic and moody hellhound named Loona (Erica Lindbeck), a weak-willed and insecure demon named Moxxie (Richard Steven Horvitz) and his perky and loving-yet-psychotic wife Millie (Vivian Nixon). The series has garnered millions of views with each episode and has continued to increase in popularity. Other celebrities have guest starred on Helluva Boss such as Mara Wilson, Jinkx Monsoon and Alex Brightman. However, Reedus was a guest star who very few people were expecting to see on a show like this.
Best known for his iconic role of Daryl Dixon in the hit post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead, Reedus guest starred as the antagonist of the episode. The fifth installment, titled “The Harvest Moon Festival,” features the main characters traveling to stay at the home Millie’s parents to attend a hellish festival. However, things become complicated when a hired farmhand named Striker (Reedus) attempts to assassinate their financier and Blitzo’s secret lover Stolas (Bryce Pinkham). The episode ends with the main characters saving their employer. However, Striker escapes and promises to try and kill him again for the person who hired him, who is later revealed Stolas’ domineering and angry wife (Georgina Leahy), who put a hit out on her husband (right in front of him and their daughter while they were having dinner no less) in retaliation for him constantly cheating on her.
The last few episodes of the first season of Helluva Boss are expected to be released by Medrano sometime over the next few months.
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