The Legend of Korra, the anime-inspired hit cartoon that premiered earlier this year as a sequel to Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender, enjoyed a stellar launch, was already greenlighted for season 1.5 (or "Book 2" as Korra fans would say), and has now been signed on for an additional 26-episode second season.
It's no surprise that The Legend of Korra, which is voiced by Janet Varney (Hot in Cleveland), Kiernan Shipka (Mad Men), David Faustino (Married … with Children) and P.J. Byrne (Horrible Bosses) was reordered for a second season by Nickelodeon, in light of the rave reviews ( called it "the smartest cartoon on TV") and even raver ratings (an average of 3.8 million) that it has garnered thus far, according to Entertainment Weekly.
Nickelodeon ordered another 26 episodes of the smart new kids' program, which will likely be broken up into Books 3 and 4, both of which will comprise the second season. Book 2, or the second part of the first season, was already ordered for 14 more episodes, which will return in 2013. So if you're a Legend of Korra fan, you're in for another 40 episodes of action-adventure anime.
For more on The Legend of Korra:
RECAP: 'The Legend Of Korra' Season Finale
REVIEW: The Secret World Of Arrietty
REVIEW: Bambi Diamond Edition Blu-ray
REVIEW: The Ricky Gervais Show
VIDEO: Five of the Best Opening Credits In Recent Films
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