In response to the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia which began last Thursday, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have pledged to match donations to the U.N, High Commissioner for Refugees up to $1 million, for Ukrainians that have been displaced during the conflict.
According to the U.N., over 368,000 Ukrainians have already arrived in neighboring countries after fleeing their homes. Reynolds retweeted the announcement from the USA for UNHCR Twitter, which is on the ground right now providing direct aid to those who are traveling, and working alongside other countries to assist in protecting them.
According to reports from over the weekend, Russia has been met with stiff resistance from Ukrainian defenses. The Russians have been “frustrated” by the lack of progress they had expected when launching the invasion. While Russian forces are still in Ukraine and advancing, they haven’t taken any Ukrainian cities yet because of harsh defense.
It’s difficult to determine an official death toll for the crisis yet. One U.N. official guessed that there have been at least 102 civilian deaths since Thursday, but real death figures could actually be “considerably higher.”
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