The fourth and improved Samsung Gear VR headset will transport users to new worlds. Samsung decided to update its headset and will release it on Aug. 19 for an affordable $99. This was announced alongside the unveiling of the new Samsung Galaxy Note7 phablet. The Gear VR is a dark blue hue and resembles swimming goggles. The inside is painted with the same color to reduce light reflections and allow for a better immersive experience.
It’s being hailed as the best mobile virtual reality experience. The updated Gear VR comes with a new USB-C port and it compatible with the company’s Galaxy Note7, as well as older Galaxy models. Users will be able to swap the USB-C adaptor out for a Micro USB, making the Gear VR backward compatible with the Galaxy Note 5, S7 and S6 phones. The Verge wrote, “Samsung says the new USB-C port can transfer data as well. This opens up opportunities for things like accessories, gamepads, and maybe even motion controllers, and potentially eliminates the need to rely on tenuous (and sometimes slow) Bluetooth connections.”
The Gear VR features a wider viewing angle that’s been expanded from 96 degrees to 101 degrees. The change reduces tunnel vision and allows users to feel more immersed in their VR world. Critics also appreciated the ample face padding that blocks out more light, longer head straps, clean all black design and improved touchpad navigation. The touchpad is flatter and the Oculus Home button makes it easier to get in and out of a particular app.
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