Modern Family star Ariel Winter, 14, has been removed from her mother’s care and Winter’s adult sister Shanelle Gray is looking to become her permanent guardian.
Gray, who was appointed as her sister’s temporary guardian on Oct. 3, has filed a guardianship petition alleging that Chrisoula Workman physically abused her daughter by slapping, hitting and pushing her. The petition, obtained by E! Online, also accuses Workman of being verbally abusive in the form of "vile name calling, personal insults about [her and her weight], attempts to 'sexualize' minor, deprivation of food, etc. for an extended period of time."
In addition, Gray believes she should be put head of Winter’s $500,000 estate. Workman is currently receiving Ariel’s paychecks from the show and is in charge of her Coogan account. Under California law, a Coogan account is money put aside for a child actor until they reach adulthood. 15 percent of a child’s earnings belong solely to them and any unauthorized use by the parents is considered theft. Gray is asking that the money be placed into an account that Workman will have no access to.
Workman has denied the allegations calling them “false and ridiculous.” Workman claims to have letters from Ariel’s doctor and stylists saying she has never been abused.
Workman has been ordered to stay away from her daughter until a court hearing scheduled for Nov. 20.
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