As a result of Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton’s break-up Lambert decided to shake things up with a new look, dyeing her hair platinum blonde.


Earlier this summer Lambert and Shelton announced their divorce. Lambert seems to be coping well, spending time with her horses and experimenting with new looks. She posted an Instagram picture of her new ‘do, and commented that “what doesn’t kill you only makes you blonder!” before thanking and crediting her stylist.

Lambert has not spoken much about the breakup since it became public news. Lambert has, however, been spending a decent amount of time with her horses. “I love how big and beautiful they are, but also how sweet and loving they are at the same time. I eventually want to get comfortable going faster, but right now I am just enjoying getting to know my horses better while riding them,” she stated In an interview with the Horse Channel.

Sophie hugs. Nothin’ better! #sofa #gypsyvanners #unicornsforever

A photo posted by Miranda Lambert (@mirandalambert) on

Elisabet Stenberg

Article by Elisabet Stenberg

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