Academy Award winner Michael Douglas is donating his personal film collection, of more than three dozen film prints, to Rochester’s George Eastman Museum.

The collection includes both 35 mm and 16 mm prints, totaling 37 films, most of which he starred in or produced.

The George Eastman Museum, a photography museum, is located on the New York estate of Kodak’s founder.

Director Bruce Barnes says that Douglas was inspired to do this by his recent trip to the museum, as he was there to receive the George Eastman Award for his work in the film industry. In his release he stated that “he saw firsthand the work we are doing in film preservation.”

“This is an exciting addition to our prestigious cinema collection,” said Barnes in his statement, “And we are deeply grateful to Mr. Douglas for this generous gift.”

Douglas won the Oscar for best picture in 1975’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, which he produced, and best actor for 1987’s Wall Street. These two films are among the donated prints.

In addition to preserving the prints, the museum also screens its prints at the Dryden Theatre as part of its regular film exhibition program.

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Jenny C Lu

Article by Jenny C Lu

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