Meat Loaf was performing a show in Edmonton, Canada, Thursday night when he collapsed on the stage.

Meat Loaf Collapses

Meat Loaf was in the middle of singing his hit track “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That” at Edmonton’s Northern Jubilee Auditorium when he started to feel unwell. Before completing the song, the 68-year-old singer dropped his microphone and collapsed onto the stage, ending up face down, reported E! News. While some fans in the audience thought it might be part of the act, members of Meat Loaf’s band and crew rushed towards him.

“I thought it was a joke, I didn’t know what was going on because he was joking around throughout his set,” an attendee told CBC News in Edmonton.

Meat Loaf was ultimately rushed to a local hospital, where he is said to be in stable condition.

An unspecified illness forced Meat Loaf to cancel scheduled tour stops in Canada last week. It’s known that he has an irregular heartbeat as a result of having Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, and that he suffers from asthma.

During a summer concert tour in 2011, Meat Loaf fainted at concerts in Pittsburgh and in New Jersey.

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