The Marvel Cinematic Universe spans ten years, bringing countless characters from Marvel’s rich comic book history to the big screen. One complaint levied at the juggernaut franchise is regarding its LGBTQ representation, which, some occasional teases and hints notwithstanding, is nonexistent. However, Marvel Studios plans to change that.
Marvel Studios’ head Kevin Feige is aware of the demand to see more diverse representation in their films, and the Disney division is working towards greater inclusivity in its lineup. Black Panther proved to be a cultural landmark, and next year’s Captain Marvel will likewise follow suit with the first female lead in the franchise.
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However, LGBTQ characters have had little presence across the MCU thus far. The Playlist’s interview with Feige was contextualized around the impending Ant-Man and the Wasp; as the movie’s setting, San Fransisco, has a history tied with the LGBTQ community, it spurred them to ask Feige about this omission.
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Feige is habitually tight-lipped regarding plans for the series’ future, but he did confirm those plans include more inclusivity in his characters’ sexuality. When asked if the LGBTQ characters would be returning faces or newcomers to the films, Feige responded by saying, “Both ones you’ve seen and ones you haven’t seen.”
Tessa Thompson’s character, the heroic Valkyrie, is speculated by fans to be one of the series’ veterans Feige briefly alluded to. It’s a notion Thompson herself wholly endorses, having pitched an unused scene while filming Thor: Ragnarok that would have unsubtly implied the Asgardian warrior is bisexual. While Valkyrie’s whereabouts following the ending of Avengers: Infinity War are unknown, it can probably be assumed she’ll return to fight alongside her allies in next year’s currently untitled Avengers sequel.
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The shooter was identified to be John R. Lyons, 24, of Westchester, Illinois.
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