Lupita Nyong’o graced this year’s Oscars red carpet with her presence in a stunning golden gown. Nyong’o’s Oscars look featured a long dress designed by Prada, covered by golden sequins all over. Longer golden fringes draped down from her waist to the gown’s hem. Subtle light-pink floral embellishments also dotted the dress.
Nyong’o’s stylist, Micaela Erlanger, enriched her outfit even more with diamond jewelry from De Beers. Her braided hair was gathered in a high updo, showing off her simple golden eye makeup with a touch of deep red lipstick. Though the actress was not nominated for an award this year, she attended and enjoyed the ceremony regardless, marking almost eight years since she won Best Supporting Actress for the film 12 Years a Slave. The Kilauea volcano in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park erupted again on Wednesday, Jan. 15, marking the…
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