Two new songs from Madonna's yet-to-be-released album MDNA have been leaked."I'm Addicted," which went viral not long after a private listening party for the abum was held in New York, features Madonna singing along to an electronic beat. "Something happens to me when I hear your voice/ Something happens to me and I have no choice," she sings. "And I can't get enough, and it fits like a glove/ I'm addicted to your love."
A second leaked song, "I Don't Give A," reportedly targets Madge's ex-husband Guy Ritchie. "I tried to be a good girl/ I tried to be your wife/ Diminished myself," the lyrics read.
MDNA is co-produced by "Hello" techno-mastermind Martin Solveig. It drops March 26.
You can listen to a portion of "I'm Addicted" here.
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