Instead of partying the night away in a club, Lindsay Lohan will spend New Year's in rehab. The starlet managed to avoid jail time however, as a judge ordered her to stay in rehab until Jan. 3, 2011 as a punishment for violating the terms of her probation for a second time.

"You're staying there past the New Year, there's a reason for that," Judge Elden Fox told her, according to the New York Daily News. "You are an addict. I hope you understand that."

Lohan, 24, was sent back to the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, Calif., where she had voluntarily stayed after failing a drug test and spending a few hours in jail in late September. Lohan's probation stems from a 2007 misdemeanor conviction on two back-to-back DUIs.

This is the actress's fifth stint in rehab. She is due back in court on Feb. 25, 2011. –ISHITA SINGH

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