Leonardo DiCaprio made an appearance in court earlier this week as a witness for the criminal trial of ex-Fugees rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel.

Michel is accused of being involved in a global campaign-finance conspiracy funded by Jho Low, a businessman who allegedly stole billions of dollars from a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund called 1MDB. Low is accused of giving Michel more than $100 million to allegedly influence then-President Donald Trump and other government officials to drop an investigation into him. Michel has pleaded not guilty.


DiCaprio testified to the grand jury on his relationship with Low. Prosecutors aimed to demonstrate that Low used stolen money to ingratiate himself with prominent actors, models and politicians.

DiCaprio told the jury about being introduced to Low at the businessman’s birthday party in Las Vegas in 2010. He recounted other “lavish parties” around the world that were hosted by Low.

The actor also testified that Low helped finance his 2013 film The Wolf of Wall Street. Prosecutors allege that Low laundered money from 1MDB through Red Granite Pictures, a Los Angeles-based movie production company.

The businessman also donated to DiCaprio’s environmental foundation by purchasing a painting at a fundraising event.

DiCaprio testified that he stopped speaking with Low when he heard about the embezzlement allegations against him.

Low is currently an international fugitive and is suspected of stealing around $4.5 billion from the 1MDB sovereign wealth fund.

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