Larry Kasanoff, producer of films based on the Mortal Kombat video games and Bruno Wu, CEO of China’s Sun Seven Stars Media Group announced that their new company, Threshold Global Studios, is set to produce the film Tetris The Movie.

‘Tetris The Movie’ Film To Be Produced By Larry Kasanoff and Bruno Wu

Kasanoff and Wu reportedly revealed their plans at the Cannes Film Festival this week, noting that the film will be a sci-fi thriller and the first installment of a trilogy.

The film, which is based on the popular 1984 video game, in which players had to fit colorfully shaped blocks into one another, was mocked with hilarious fake trailers even before the film became reality.

However, Kasanoff and Wu find the film based on a video game concept to be a good idea and have reportedly been working with The Tetris Company for more than a year.

“It’s just a phenomenal idea for this brand,” Kasanoff told Mashable. “That’s what motivated this whole thing. And you’ve gotta ask yourself why ‘Tetris’ has been so successful for so many years; we’ve thought of a really great science fiction movie out of it. I get pitched video game projects all the time, and we’re very picky about that stuff.”

“Today there are so many great sources on which to build a movie blockbuster, and video gaming is certainly an amazing category with its huge international following,” Wu told USA Today.

The number of movies based on video games has risen over the years, with trailers for films such as: Warcraft, Ratchet & Clank, and Sly Cooper becoming the standard.

The current budget for Tetris The Movie is set at $80 million and filming will begin in China in 2017.

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