Lady Gaga, 33, is currently residing in Las Vegas for her Enigma show. During her latest performance at the Park MGM fans were concerned when the pop star fell off stage. While performing “Edge of Glory” with a fan (named Jack), she jumped into Jack’s arms and he lost his balance, leading to the two toppling off stage and backward into the crowd
In videos posted on social media by fans, Gaga can be heard saying “Everything’s ok. The only thing that’s not ok is we need some stairs for the damn stage so I can get back up.”
After being helped back up on stage by security guards, the singer went on to console Jack and assure him that the incident was not his fault. “Could you promise me something? Could you forgive yourself right now for what just happened?” she said. She went on and even joked, “It’s amazing. We love each other so much we fell off the damn stage. We fell into each other’s arms. We’re like Jack and Rose from Titanic.”
Ultimately, the nine-time Grammy winner gracefully continued on with the show and caroled along to “Million Reasons” with Jack by her side.
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