Kit Harington confirmed that he and his Game of Thrones co-stars like to blow off steam at their local gay bars while shooting on location.

In August, old photos surfaced of Game of Thrones cast members Peter Dinklage and Lena Headey hula-hooping at a gay bar in Canada.

At a pre-Emmys party on Saturday, Harington, who plays the dashing and tortured Jon Snow on the popular HBO fantasy series, was asked if the cast regularly escapes to gay bars for some after-work fun.

“That sounds like Peter and Lena! That doesn’t happen often, but there’s a great gay club in Belfast that we go to sometimes called the Kremlin, which is a fun night out,” Harington revealed to Vanity Fair.

Game of Thrones shoots in Belfast, Ireland, Croatia, Morocco and Iceland, but the big cast, including Harington's rumored ex-girlfriend Rose Leslie (Ygritte), often goes out together to drink and bond.

When asked at the pre-Emmys party what kind of antics the Game of Thrones cast gets up to when they go out, Harington played it coy.

“I can never usually remember, but it’s always fun,” he said.

Olivia Truffaut-Wong

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