BBC America’s Killing Eve season 2 finale, which aired on May 26, left viewers to draw parallels between the shocking episode and the show’s season 1 finale in which Eve stabbed the main antagonist, Villanelle. Shocked and devastated by the possibility of death by a bullet wound to the back, with Villanelle wielding the weapon this time around, fans of the show are unsure of the its future given that the titular protagonist was shown bleeding out in the episode’s final scene.
The show, which was renewed for a third season shortly after the second season began to air, is rumored to pick up exactly where it left off, meaning that fans will have to wait until next spring for answers. The fact that the next season has been green-lit by top execs at BBC long before the finale was enough to leave viewers hopeful that Eve will somehow make it out alive and continue her rivalry with Villanelle.
Golden Globe-winner Sandra Oh who plays Eve Polastri spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the episode and the decisions that are currently being made behind the scenes about the severity of the wound and the character’s future.
“All that stuff is really being creatively decided right now,” she said. “What is the meaning of where she shot her? Obviously, it’s somewhere in her back, and in her body, but where it is and how close to the kill. I want to answer this question… next year.”
One looming question remains, though; How intrigued are the writer’s involved in Killing Eveby the idea of, in fact, killing Eve?
Oh said, “If I say I’m going back to shoot [laughs], maybe we’re going to surmise something. ‘There’s a third season. I don’t know, maybe Sandra’s in it, maybe not?’”
For those interested in binge-watching the killer show, its first season is available to stream on Hulu.
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The shooter was identified to be John R. Lyons, 24, of Westchester, Illinois.
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