Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, 82, who has primary custody of Michael's children — Prince, Paris and Blanket — was reported missing by a family member on Saturday in what the Jackson family is implying was an intentional false report motivated by a familial disagreement over who will care for the aging Katherine.

Katherine's son, Jermaine Jackson, issued a statement assuring that "Mother is safe and well in Arizona with her daughter and our sister, Rebbie, resting up on doctor's advice, so it is beyond me how she can be reported 'missing.' This incredulous claim was made for reasons best known to the adult/s who filed it but it seems no accident that it comes after we, the sons and daughters, put in place care-taking for our own mother, taking her to Arizona in line with doctor's advice following a check-up."

"She is safe and with family members," L.A. Sheriff's Deputy Don Walker also confirmed, reports the L.A. Times. Far from being lost, it seems that Katherine was just on vacation. "When I got there, Katherine Jackson and her family were at the dinner table and had just finished a game of Uno," said someone from the sheriff's office. "In fact, their dinner plates were still in front of them. She seemed like she was having a good time. She was happy, safe and healthy."

Katherine's nephew, Trent Jackson, who either didn't know about Katherine's vacation or was intentionally filing a false claim, filed the report. He is now being investigated for elder abuse. "It dismays me that such an alarmist 'missing person' report has caused unnecessary anxiety among Michael's children who will understandably react to what they misunderstand, hear or are told," continued Jermaine Jackson's statement.

In fact, he seemed to be right about the misunderstanding. On Sunday, Paris, 14, tweeted, "Yes, my grandmother is missing. I haven't seen her for a week and want her to come home now."

For more on the Jacksons:

Michael Jackson's Bengal Tiger, Thriller, Dies

Michael Jackson's Kids Saw Conrad Murray's Resuscitation Attempts

REVIEW: Michael by Michael Jackson

Conrad Murray Trial Exposes Revealing Michael Jackson Tapes

Michael Jackson Estate Gets $250 Mil Deal

Katherine Jackson Recalls Michael Jackson's Death

Michael Jackson Dies At 50

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