Reality mom and media darling Kate Gosselin will be taking the stage once again on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars for the May 24 and 25 season finale — Gosselin was booted from the show on April 20.

Since the star’s departure, ratings for the show have plummeted, making the decision an obvious money move for the network. However, ABC seems to be one of the only ones happy with this decision, as reports have surfaced that her former competitors weren’t exactly fond of Gosselin and her alleged diva antics.

Gosselin’s new TLC show, Kate + 8, a spinoff of the show that made her and her eight children famous, will make its debut on June 6. –ELENA COX


  • Julia Alkon
    Julia Alkon on

    She was kicked off so clearly she can't dance. No need to bring her back on to a dancing show! Also, her darling children will probably grow up to be brats.

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