Former The Bachelorette contestant Kasey Kahl was sentenced to three years probation and 180 days of community service after a drunken fight at a Fresno, Calif., bar last year.

Kahl pleaded no contest in March to one felony assault charge, while the other assault charge filed against him was dropped. He was sentenced on Tuesday, according to The Fresno Bee.

Originally arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct at Fresno’s Club Habanos in January 2012, Kahl was later charged on four counts, including felony assault by Richard Chaney and Renee Idsinga. The two accused Kahl of insulting them and proceeding to attack them when they tried to make him stop insulting them. Idsinga said that Kahl attacked Chaney first, then her, after she tried to pull Kahl off him. Kahl, however, insisted that Chaney and Idsinga assaulted him first, and his physical retaliation was done in self-defense.

Kahl’s lawyer Gerald Schwab told the Fresno Bee that Kahl was provoked by Chaney – who called Kahl names and refused to shake his hand – and that hitting Idsinga was unintentional. Schwab also told the newspaper that Kahl regretted how he acted that night.

Kahl was accused of being drunk and under the influence of toluene, a drug associated with paint thinners, TMZ previously reported. Though he admitted to drinking alcohol that night, he denies being under the influence of any drugs. “I’ve never even smoked marijuana,” he told the gossip site.

Schwab said that Kahl’s record could be reduced to a misdemeanor and even be expunged as long as he doesn’t get into trouble during his probation and he completes his community service. If charged on the two assault charges, Kahl could have faced eight years in prison.

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