The sound of shrieking you hear is coming from the thousands of heartbroken girls learning that Justin Bieber is not ready to date anyone just yet. Pint-sized pop superstar Bieber, 16, is too busy working to get involved with a girl right now.

"Girlfriends are trouble at this age. Girls are fun to hang out with but, like, having that one steady girl … we’re constantly traveling and one girl’s not gonna really [work]," he told MTV News. "You can’t really have one girl. I don’t really have any crushes at the moment." Bieber, who recently performed at the VMAs, drives his enormous fan base (comprised hugely of preteen girls hungry for even a glimpse of the singer) crazy whenever he appears. Earlier this summer Bieber-mania hit the viral video waves when an enterprising cameraman caught the singer being chased by an adoring female mob as he fled on his Segway.

But he has more than enough to keep him busy without putting girls in the mix. Bieber will potentially work with Will Smith on an upcoming movie project, though all he had to say on the matter was that they were "trying to figure something out." Bieber is working on his fourth album, and also has a 3-D biopic set to come out in the following year. –AMY LEE


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