The actor John Stamos got spotted taking his young son to the happiest place on Earth on Monday. Stamos seemed to be out and about with his son, Billy Stamos, who he had with the actress and model Caitlin McHugh. If you’re a parent in Los Angeles who can afford it, Disneyland is a great place to take your kids for them to enjoy themselves.
Both Stamos and his son look happy to be out in the photo. Stamos is sporting a red button-up with matching sunglasses and some skinny jeans, while his kid has got on jeans as well as a spiderman tee.
Stamos currently stars in the lead role of the Disney+ sports dramedy series Big Shot. He also just appeared in the Netflix special Dirty Daddy: The Bob Saget Tribute in celebration of his close friend and Full House co-star: Bob Saget.
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