The Suicide Squad actor Joel Kinnaman revealed in a statement on Friday that he has obtained a restraining order from a woman named Gabriella Magnusson. Magnusson, a Swedish model who goes by the name of Bella Davis, is a former sexual partner of Kinnaman’s, whom he alleges is “threatening to publicize false information about” him.
In the 41-year-old’s statement, he admitted that he had filed a restraining order “against a woman who has been threatening to physically harm me and my family and loved ones, and attempting to extort money and other things of value from me.” The actor, who is now engaged to model Kelly Gale, claims that he “had a brief romantic relationship” with Magnusson in 2018, but that she has since “resorted to threatening to publicize false information about me — including that I had sex with her against her will — unless I capitulated to her demands.”
Kinnaman alleged that those demands included “money, Hollywood connections, helping to secure a work visa, a verified Instagram page, a Wikipedia page, a photoshoot with Sports Illustrated, an additional $400,000 USD for an apartment and more.”
He also said that when he got into a relationship, her “communications became more antagonistic, threatening, and frightening over time.”
Kinnaman went on to describe a phone call that he had with Magnusson that she knew was being recorded. During that conversation, he said the model “more than once acknowledged that the sex was consensual,” but still “reiterated her threat to tell the media that it was against her will unless I met her demands.”
“At one point, she stated, ‘Do you know how much money I would get and how famous I would be if I went to the press?’ ” he added. “She also made threats of physical violence against me and my family by herself and others, including her brother, a convicted felon, who pointed a rifle at my manager.”
He wrapped up his statement by saying, “to be VERY clear so there is no misunderstanding: I stand by all victims of sexual assault. That is not what occurred here. This was consensual sex. And now it is an attempt to extort. More importantly — this is a threat to the safety of my family and loved ones, which will always be my top priority.”
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