Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer finally made their red carpet debut at the Oscars on Sunday night. "This is my first time walking the red carpet with someone!" Mayer told the Oprah Winfrey Show. Aniston, who wore a dramatic cream Valentino column dress, presented the award for Best Animated Feature with comedian Jack Black in front of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. At one point the camera cut to Jolie smiling at one of Aniston's jokes. Jen and John later attended the Vanity Fair party where the on-and-off again couple partied into the wee hours. (Photo: WENN) Police and emergency vehicles were seen lining the streets in New Orleans after at…
Sean and Jayden moved with their father to Hawaii last year. The brothers have not…
In May, Sam complained about the public criticism of her and Johnson’s relationship, saying she…
Kimberly Guilfoyle was a no-show at the Mar-a-Lago New Year's Eve bash on Tuesday night… A six-minute fireworks show mounted on an iconic skyscraper in Taipei, Taiwan helped people usher in…
The pop star released ‘Soltera’ last month, a feminist afro beats bop that quickly rose…