Former Tonight Show host Jay Leno has shared the incident that injured his face and broke his nose.

Leno had been staying at a Pennsylvania Hampton Inn. While on a walk, he attempted to shortcut down a hill. A steeper slope than he anticipated, his decision resulted in him slipping and tumbling 60 feet down the hill, hitting his head on a rock along the way.

“I broke my wrist, lost my nail on the finger, and then I’m all black and blue,” Leno told Inside Edition.

Asked if his sight was permanently altered, Leno, from behind an eyepatch, assured, “It’ll be fine, I’m not worried about it…I’m holding up fine – I’m right here talking to you.”

On Tuesday’s, Leno appeared on Tim Conway Jr.’s show in Los Angeles, where he detailed, “As I’m rolling down the hill, out of the corner of my eye, I see these two older ladies, about my age, one of them says, ‘That looks like Jay Leno rolling down a hill.’ The other one goes, ‘Oh, why would he be on a hill here?’ And then boom, I land in front of them, I’ve got blood all over me. And they go, “Are you Jay Leno?’ – ‘Hi girls! How are you?’”

Leno has sustained a series of injuries in the last few years. In November 2022, a fire erupted in his garage, and Leno’s chest, hands and face were seriously burned. The hospital estimated that approximately 7% of his body had been burned in the accident. Just months later, in January 2023, Leno was in a motorcycle crash, which left him with a broken collarbone, cracked kneecaps and two broken ribs.

Despite his tumble, Leno did not cancel any of his planned shows and even performed just three hours after the fall before he went to the hospital. His charity performance, scheduled for Wednesday, supports the hospital that treated Leno for his burns, the Grossman Burn Foundation.

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Article by Baila Eve Zisman

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